Canon appreciates the diverse nature of our offerings including equipment, controls, engineering, and technical support.
Chesapeake Public Schools
We have an ongoing commitment to optimizing energy conservation and occupant comfort in the schools. We are continuously monitoring the HVAC and control system performance and actively employing effective energy conservation strategies.
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center
Damuth Trane partners with CRMC to provide maintenance, service, and repairs for their facility’s building automation and mission-critical HVAC systems with a focus on energy efficiency. These services provide the correct space temperature, humidity, and pressures for the hospital, including surgical, patient care, and all other areas throughout the facility. Working alongside CRMC’s Facilities Engineering Team, Damuth Trane helps to ensure the long-term success of the facility through proactive lifecycle planning, budgeting, and turnkey replacements for superior occupant comfort throughout the campus. Through monitoring facility utility bills and providing energy consumption driving system optimization, Damuth assists CRMC in reducing their utility costs while also minimizing the impact to the supporting infrastructure and environment.
Christopher Newport University
We appreciate the opportunity to work with Christopher Newport University, a public four-year university located in Newport News. Damuth Trane also provides equipment and controls for new buildings as the campus continues to build and expand offerings and facilities to students in Newport News.
City of Franklin
Damuth Trane has been working with the City of Franklin for over thirty years and played a role in the restructuring of their municipal buildings after Hurricane Floyd. They provide service and controls to their Trane units as well as support the sewer and water divisions of Franklin Public Works.
City of Newport News
For over a decade, Damuth Trane has provided building automation system controls, technical expertise, and service for the City of Newport News’ essential municipal buildings.
Commonwealth Chesapeake Power Station
As an electrical peaking power plant, Commonwealth Chesapeake Power Station runs on an as-needed basis. In order to meet power demands during warmer weather, they have multiple Trane Chillers that cool inlet air to keep their GE combustion turbine generators operating at maximum capacity and efficiency. Damuth provides maintenance service, emergency response, and controls support for the 15,000-ton chiller plant, turbine/generator lubrication cooling chillers, and comfort cooling systems in their offices and main control center.