Damuth Trane has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ENERGY STAR certification for its main building at 1100 Cavalier Blvd. in Chesapeake again for the year 2019. The company first earned this designation in 2001 and has achieved it 13 years since.
Committed to energy conservation and lessening their environmental footprint, Damuth Trane was the first commercial office building in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area to earn the ENERGY STAR certification, and one of only five buildings in the entire state of Virginia when they first earned the designation in 2001. Damuth Trane was also the first Trane franchise to ever achieve this certification.
In the year 2018 alone, over 600 buildings achieved ENERGY STAR certification in Virginia, which is a testimony to the growth of the ENERGY STAR program. No other building in the state of Virginia has earned this certification more times than Damuth Trane’s main office. Because of their continued efforts, Damuth Trane’s main building uses less energy and is operating more efficiently today than it did after its first full year of occupancy 20 years ago!
"We are proud to have made history in the realm of energy conservation and hope to continue to do so in years to come,” said Clint Damuth, President of Damuth Trane. "It is important for us to be continually focused on lessening our own energy expenditure as we assist our clients with the same endeavor.”
Damuth Trane seeks to support their clients’ efforts to improve their own building’s energy efficiency and lessen the output it requires. The company’s increased focus on intelligent building services has allowed for other commercial buildings in the area to achieve an ENERGY STAR certification as a result of their partnership with Damuth Trane.
For more information about ENERGY STAR Certification for Commercial Buildings, visit: https://www.energystar.gov/buildings